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4. Designing Future Wireless Networks (FWN)s With Net Zero (NZ) and Zero Touch (ZT) Perspective
Abbas, W.B., Ahmed, Q.Z., Khan, F.A., Mian, N.S., Lazaridis, P.I., Sureephong, P. (2023). Designing Future Wireless Networks (FWN)s With Net Zero (NZ) and Zero Touch (ZT) Perspective. IEEE Access, 11, (pp. 83301-83321). IEEE.
5. Enabling Uncoordinated Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Between LTE and NR Networks
Girmay, M., Maglogiannis, V., Naudts, D., Waele, T.D., Poorter, E.D., Shadid, A., Vincent Poor, H., Moerman, I. (2023). Enabling Uncoordinated Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Between LTE and NR Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. IEEE
6. Hardware-accelerated Real-time Drift-awareness for Robust Deep Learning on Wireless RF Data
Ganewattha, C., Khan, Z., Lehtomäki, J., Latva-Aho, M. (2023). Hardware-accelerated Real-time Drift-awareness for Robust Deep Learning on Wireless RF Data. ACM Trans. Reconfigurable Technol. Syst., 16, 2, Article 19. Association for Computing Machinery
7. Heuristic Antenna Selection and Precoding for a Massive MIMO System
Abbas, W. B., Khalid, S., Ahmed, Q. Z., Khalid, F., Alade, T.T., Sureephong, P. (2023). Heuristic Antenna Selection and Precoding for a Massive MIMO System. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, (pp. 83-96). IEEE.
8. Local Energy Market Design for Power- and Hydrogen-Based Microgrids Considering a Hybrid Uncertainty Controlling Approach
Saatloo, A. M., Mehrabi, A., Marzband, M., Mirzaei, M.A., Aslam, N. (2023). Local Energy Market Design for Power- and Hydrogen-Based Microgrids Considering a Hybrid Uncertainty Controlling Approach. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 15, no. 1, (pp. 398-413).
9. Novel Fine-Tuned Attribute Weighted Naïve Bayes NLoS Classifier for UWB Positioning
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10. Spectrum Options and Allocations for 6G: A Regulatory and Standardization Review
Alsaedi, W. K., Ahmadi, H., Khan, Z.,Grace, D., (2023). Spectrum Options and Allocations for 6G: A Regulatory and Standardization Review. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 4, (pp. 1787-1812). IEEE.
11. Evaluation of Prophet for Wireless Time Series Forecasting
Zu, M.M., Sone, S.P., Lehtomäki, J., Khan, Z., (2023). Evaluation of Prophet for Wireless Time Series Forecasting. 31st Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia, 2023, (pp. 1-4). IEEE
12. Safety Analysis of Automatic Train Operation Based on ETCS
Tang, Z., Zhao, N., Khan, K., Wolter, K. (2023). Safety Analysis of Automatic Train Operation Based on ETCS. In: Milius, B., Collart-Dutilleul, S., Lecomte, T. (eds) Reliability, Safety, and Security of Railway Systems. Modelling, Analysis, Verification, and Certification. RSSRail 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14198. Springer, Cham.
13. Online Learning and Continuous Model Upgrading with Data Streams Through the Kafka-Ml Framework.
Carnero, A., Martín, C., Jeon, G., & Díaz, M. Online Learning and Continuous Model Upgrading with Data Streams Through the Kafka-Ml Framework. Available at SSRN 4681565.
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3. Intelligent Spectrum Sharing Between LTE and Wi-Fi Networks using Muted MBSFN Subframes
Girmay, M., Avila-Campos, P., Maglogiannis, V., Naudts, D., Shahid, A., & Moerman, I. (2023, April). Intelligent Spectrum Sharing Between LTE and Wi-Fi Networks using Muted MBSFN Subframes. In 2023 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) (pp. 13-16). IEEE.