Objectives of the Overall Research and Innovation Programme
The scope of EV charging management systems is multifaceted and multi-dimensional as it brings together various thematic disciplines including power management in smart grids, control systems, optimisation, communication technologies, and data analytics with an underlying common objective to design and develop strategies to boost EV performance, enhance EV driver's QoE, provision optimal energy utilisation, and ensure the stability of smart grids.
Scientific Objectives:
To develop a new framework that enables unified communication and processing capabilities for both EV charging management systems and vehicular communication.
To develop software services that can be exploited across the application stack. Development of ML/AI capabilities that are employed for EV charging management application as well for self-optimization of resources.
To ensure scalability of proposed framework whereby application resources and execution across the edge-fogcloud is autonomously and optimally executed. Provisioning containerized self-scaling software capabilities.
To incorporate dynamics of all three networks, i.e., power, communications, and vehicular networks through integrated data layer with appropriate scheduling of flows over wireless networks.
To provide a reliable V2G and G2V connectivity which ensures minimal bi-directional impact.
Technological and Industrial Objectives:
To create a long-term collaborative network among the leading researchers and institutions that allows the exchange of knowledge and professional training in the multi-disciplinary area, overarching technologies, and systems related to the future smart green transportation and energy systems.
To establish a multi-sectoral space where industry and academia can interact to innovate new and better solutions for integrated technologies in the smart green transportation and energy systems.
To create opportunities for participation of students from inclusive target countries (ITC), early career researchers (ECRs), women, and research teams from underrepresented countries/regions.