1st Workshop on Enabling Technologies for the next-gen Electric Vehicles
(EVOLVE Workshop)
22 March 2024, Málaga
Call for papers
The transition towards low carbon transport through electric vehicles (EVs) is vital for achieving the targets on greenhouse gas emissions. As the number of EVs is expected to increase, more recharging points will be needed. Realization of a complete eco-system that facilitates smart charging, seamless vehicular to everything (V2X) connectivity, immersive quality of experience for EV drivers to reduce driving range anxiety, demand management in smart grids, and cost-effective operation of EV charging stations is a complex challenge that involves cross-sectoral interactions. The charging station deployment strategy needs to be optimized given a priori information of traffic flows, EV penetration rate, energy demands, and future forecasts. A separate information and communication infrastructure is required to implement an application-level logic for implementing an online recommendation system that can provide optimal suggestions to EV drivers. Approaches should enhance quality-of-experience for EV drivers by reducing range anxiety while working with other factors such as dynamics of journey and availability of the energy and securing the EV-charging. These factors will be crucial for unlocking the potential for widespread adoption of EVs in society. This workshop is organized under the umbrella of the MSCA exchange EVOLVE project and seeks the following, but not limited, contributions around the EV ecosystem:
Optimization in EV charging systems (e.g., time, costs, user experience)
Secure and reliable EV interactions (e.g., smart charging, V2X)
Improve the Quality of Experience (QoE) of EV users
V2X communications
Optimization of smart grids under the presence and scheduling of EV-charging
Modelling the interaction of smart grids and EVs (e.g., digital twins, smart agents, etc.)
Data analytic approaches for EV optimization (scheduling, charging time, cost, etc.)
EVs, V2X connectivy for EV, Smart Grids with EVs, Secure and reliable EVs, Data analystics for EVs
Key Dates
Contributions deadline
31 January 2024
(Extended to 16 February)
Acceptance notification
29 February 2024
Submissions must be written in English and deal project-related topics. The minimum length is 4 pages and IEEE format should be used. (Overleaf)
The contributions will be deposited in the institutional repository of the University of Malaga and uploaded to Zenodo. For the submission of the contributions, a PDF file using the provided template must be uploaded using the Easy Chair link.
Programs and Schedule
Dr Syed Ali Raza Zaidi and Maryam Hafeez. Spatio-temporal Models for the Future Networks: Stochastic Geometry, Graph Theory, and Generative AI
Su Pyae Sone, Janne Lehtomäki, Zaheer Khan and Kenta Umebayashi. Predicting Synthetic EV Arrivals with Uncertainty-Aware DL Models.
Samuel Leitch, Qasim Ahmed, Ben Herbruggen, Mathias Baert, Jaron Fontaine, Adnan Shahid and Pavlos Lazaridis. Bluetooth Low Energy Angle-of-Arrival Dataset for Accurate Localization.
Julia Robles, Altair Bueno, Sergio Infante, Cristian Martín Fernández, Manuel Diaz and Kenta Umebayashi. Architecture for developing composite digital twin ecosystems on OpenTwins platform with enhancing scalability.
Riya Deshpande, Faheem Khan and Qasim Ahmed Spectrum Sharing using Deep Reinforcement Learning in Vehicular Networks.
Nauman Aslam, Jaime Abril, Amin Saatloo, Abbas Mehrabidavoodabadi and Jacobo Peralta. A Robust Operation Model for Industrial Buildings Integrated with Electric Vehicle Charging Station: Ada Byron Building Case Study
Alejandro Carnero Hijano, Omer Waqar, Cristian Martín Fernández and Manuel Díaz Rodríguez. Electric vehicles incremental and federated learning in V2X environments.
Organising Committee:
Manuel Díaz Rodríguez - ITIS Software, University of Málaga
Cristian Martín Fernández - ITIS Software, University of Málaga
Agenda Committee:
Adnan Shadid - University of Ghent
Qasim Ahmed - Unninversity of Huddersfield
Nauman Aslam - Northumbria University
Zaheer Khan - University of Oulu
Syed Ali Raza Zaidi - University of Leeds